Sunday, January 27, 2008

Eyes Wide Open

Good morning, everyone. I only say this because I have spent the last 37 hours in bed. My illness took a turn for the worse yesterday morning. I woke up, threw up, and maintained a steady body temperature of around 102 all day and night. Let me just say that my fever and Nyquil-induced stupor was NOT fun. I felt better this afternoon when I got up. Yeah, I got up...this AFTERNOON. I feel like I've wasted and entire weekend, which I have.

I could have sent this in, but didn't:


melissa said...

JEEEEEEZ mike! get better man! when are you coming to town again? it sounds like both of us have had a crazy time of it lately... we should have a talk. : )

megan said...

speaking of mike coming to town...i'm going to be there feb 8-9-10, so you should probably be making some plans asap. :)