Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Manic Monday...Wednesday...and Friday

Now that the first day of school is over, I've realized something: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this semester is gonna be C-R-A-Z-Y. The bulk of my credit load happens on those three days. I only have one class on Tuesday's, and only ZERO classes on Thursday. It's too bad that I have to go to local schools and observe/teach for 42 hours over the course of the semester. Hoo....ray. Ugh.


melissa said...

all it is now is a downhill slide... you can do it, champ. : )

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!(from the waterboy)

megan said...

you're so close!!! you can do it, mike. just know how proud everyone is of you. :)