Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break

What's up, folks? I know that it's been a while since I've posted, so here's "the haps:"

It's spring break around these parts. MOST college seniors try and relish their last spring break in college. Me? Not so much. You see, I will have a job in a field that, conveniently allows me to have a spring break as long as I'm employed. That being said, I haven't done ANYTHING productive in the last 4 days. "B" and "C" are in South Padre Island like a normal married couple. :/ I am just kicking it solo, taking care of their dogs, and trying to relax a bit.

I can see the end of the proverbial tunnel. I'm a mere 25 days of Student Teaching away from graduating. I still have a LOT of paperwork for my "Exit Portfolio" that I still have to do before I'm officially done, but I should be fine. I will say that I'm a little worried about finding a job. I may have to try and get licensed in another content area other than Health and Physical Education so that I could teach another subject. For the time being, I'm just going to try and focus on graduating.

Bulleted list from my first week at the high school? You got it:
  • the high schoolers are equally impressed as the 2nd graders when I dunk a basketball

  • just as i expected, I really enjoy wearing slacks and a tie to "work" everyday

  • I see a little bit of "my high school self" in almost all of my students

  • I've already been hit-on by an 18 year old student (don't worry, I'm a professional)