Monday, December 17, 2007

Exhibit A

I titled this post as I did because I want everyone to realize that you shouldn't make posts at 4 o'clock in the morning. I am doing so because I have a lot of stuff going on in the ole' noggin, and I want to get at least some of it off my mind.

I got back from my trip to Conway this evening. As I always am, I was bad at the goodbye. Everytime I hang out with the Miz and Mastertater I realize several things: 1) How much I need them in my life to keep me sane and happy. 2) How I live my life in thorough mediocrity without them. 3) How they are absolutely and completely wonderful people. 4) How they are my best a LONG shot. 5) How LITTLE they are a part of my current life. All of these factors contribute to the fact that, all in all, I'm kind of an unhappy guy. Don't get all upset with me. I know that I have a lot of things that are positive and that things could be way worse. It's just that I realize that I'm not exactly a perfect portrait of happiness. I'm probably closer to a blurry photo of contentment...and I don't like it. The worst part is that I don't even have a clear idea of what I DO want. Ugh.

Alexis leaves for Las Vegas and her Christmas break tomorrow morning at 8. She's "contemplating" transferring to UNLV either for the Spring Semester or the Fall Semester. (I put contemplating in quotation marks because it is this author's belief that she's already settled on the idea.) As it turns out, she hates her volleyball coach here...which I knew and don't blame her. She dislikes all but 1 or 2 of her teammates...which I don't blame her (they're all lazy, slutty bitches...yeah, I said it). After playing and practicing with most of the UNLV team this past summer, she loves everything about them, but most importantly ( I think) their work ethic. She fits better with them. Ok, I'm babbling. The point is that she's the closest thing I have to a "female" presence in my life, and she's leaving. I snuck her Christmas present into her room this evening in hopes that she wouldn't find it until tomorrow morning and hence, I wouldn't have to face her. What's the present, you ask? That-> She has a thing for "infinity," so that explains that. As for your ideas that I am smitten with her ( I know you're thinking it), I'm pretty positive that I would rather be her friend than a significant other because she seems to always hurt her boyfriends. We all know that I don't need any more of THAT pain right now.

Why is all of this coming out now? Mostly because I can't sleep. It could be worse, folks...If I had some wine here, I'd probably have polished off the whole bottle by now and given you a REAL look into the craziness that IS my mind.


a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

being around people that you love and cherish can be so bittersweet. your contemplation is normal and a wonderful tribute to those you love.

change (for anything) is inside you, you just have to be ready for it. sometimes the talking through it? is the pep rally before the game.

savor every moment of your life mike. it's the only one you get...


melissa said...

michael howard, tater and i were JUST talking about this very subject last night... we need you too, champ. come back anytime. : )

Anonymous said...

i'm going to go ahead and pull a mike--why haven't you updated yet?

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...


happy new year. your bloggerfriends sure miss you.
